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Your Magazine Publishing Opportunity Awaits

They say the best time to plant a tree is fifty years ago. The second best time is today.

Build A Real Brand You Own

Why not go fishing in your own pond?

Years ago I was listening to NPR and there was a news piece about a company that was filing for bankruptcy. With the size of the company, and the debt, I thought there was no way their creditors were going to let the company go under completely, so I bought some shares.

Got 'em at $0.37 a share, the absolute bottom. I gambled a measly $100 on my hunch, and I kick myself today that I didn't buy a whole lot more. The company made it out of bankruptcy, spun off two new companies, and I eventually sold my shares in all three for over $8,000.

Not bad for a $100 bet, but damn I left a lot on the table.

Imagine if I had embraced the opportunity and jumped in with both feet. Heck, investing the $2900 I spent on a used boat around that same time would've netted me $232,000, but I only dipped my toe in the water.

Creating a magazine with MagCast is somewhat similar: it's a low startup cost for the prospective upside.

Platform Tour

Digital Magazine Publishing: Today's Hidden Opportunity

I talked to a gentleman recently who I believe missed an opportunity.

He bought an adventure sports blog with some 13,000 articles and was looking for monetization ideas.

He had so much content to do with as he liked.

Working for a digital magazine app publishing platform, I was seeing the start of a multimedia empire - Ice Climbing Magazine, Kite Surfing Quarterly, Adventure Skiing Mag, Outdoor Extreme Winter Edition, and so on, but he couldn't see it, which is fine.

Not everybody sees every opportunity for what it is, but no one likes leaving money on the table—especially when it's there for the taking.

If you have a blog, have content coming out your ears, or have an established audience you can bring over as subscribers, self-publishing a digital magazine application with MagCast might be a no-brainer.

Take the tour to find out.

You might be our next publisher to go from blog to seven figure payday. Don't you owe it to yourself to take a look?

Jump into Publishing a Magazine

Yep, jump in. The water's fine!

MagCast has been helping people like you become publishers for ten years. The MagCast software does the heavy lifting, and we'll equip you with everything you need to get there.

Maybe not a pool noodle, but the good stuff, because a MagCast membership includes six months of MagCast Academy.

These live, small group sessions are held via Zoom, where you learn the magazine publishing business and how to succeed as a publisher.

Every month, everyday people just like you start successful iOS and Android magazines with MagCast. A condensed magazine publishing course is available to the public.